
Hello! Welcome to my (very) new blog!

My name is Holly, and I live in Venice, Florida.

I love: couponing, hunting down free samples, entering sweepstakes/giveaways, discovering and testing budget friendly recipes, practicing being as frugal as i can be, and anything else that helps me save money!  I started this blog, because friends, family, and even people that I meet in line at the grocery store, often ask me how I do what I do. The most common questions are: How do I get such great deals? Where do I get all of my coupons? And… How did I make my list and plan my trip? 🙂

So, starting this blog seemed like a good way to share deals, samples, ad match-ups, and money-saving tips with my friends, family, and any new people that I meet! Please keep in mind, that I JUST started this blog, so it will take me a few weeks to get everything neat and tidy around here. 🙂 🙂 🙂  I am working on trying to find the best way to share all of the things that I want to share with you. So, bear with me, and give me a little time to get used to this blogging stuff. I will start listing more and more things, as I learn the ins and outs of this site.

As I mentioned above, I live in Southwest Florida. Posts will include local: deals, things to do, and the best weekly grocery and drug store deals (with ad and coupon match-ups) for stores in Sarasota and Charlotte County. The stores featured are: Publix, Target, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Sweetbay, and the 3 different dollar stores. I also post any good pet or office supply store deals.

This blog is not just for local readers. Readers from all over the country (and world!) are welcome! Some of the stores mentioned above are national. Plus, I search out and share any great online deals that I find! My friend Karen, a fellow blogger, lives in Connecticut and is a contributing writer on my blog. As well as posting her tips, and deal finds, she will occasionally post any great deals for northern grocery chains. In the near future, we will also be writing about and sharing budget friendly ideas for the home, recipes, frugal tips, and other money-saving ideas that we already practice, or that we discover along the way.

Thanks for visiting! Please feel free to write to me with anything that you’d like to share! Please remember, since this blog is so new,  posts will come slowly at first. I will be posting more and more daily. Please use the “Follow” button to follow me, and be the first to now of any samples, ads, or articles posted!

If you have any questions, please post a comment, or send me an email at: hollyizz@live.com. I will respond within 24 hours (often less!).

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